
Formulas for basic shapes
Formulas for basic shapes

Want to change the area unit? Simply click on the unit name, and a drop-down list will appear. Regular polygon area formula: A = n × a² × cot(π/n) / 4 Formula for geometrical figures, Circle, 2 × pi × radius, Square, 4 × side, Rectangle, 2 × (length + width), Parallelogram, 2 × (side1 + side2).

#Formulas for basic shapes how to

Learn how to calculate the surface area, volume, and perimeter for geometric. A uniform circular disc of radius a about an axis through the center and perpendicular to the plane of the disc: (2.3.2) I 1 2 m a 2 Formula 3. Math Formulas for Basic Shapes and 3D Figures. Quadrilateral area formula: A = e × f × sin(angle) A rod of length 2 l about an axis through the middle, and at right angles to the rod: (2.3.1) I 1 3 m l 2 Formula 2.Octagon area formula: A = 2 × (1 + √2) × a² Page Description Chapter 1: Basics 6 Points, Lines & Planes 7 Segments, Rays & Lines 8 Distance Between Points (1Dimensional, 2Dimensional) 9 Distance Formula in nDimensions 10 Angles 11 Types of Angles Chapter 2: Proofs 12 Conditional Statements (Original, Converse, Inverse, Contrapositive) 13 Basic Properties of Algebra (Equality and Congr.

formulas for basic shapes

Hexagon area formula: A = 3/2 × √3 × a² Geometry Geometry is all about shapes and their properties.Pentagon area formula: A = a² × √(25 + 10√5) / 4 Mensuration Formulas for 2-D Figures Shape, Area, Perimeter Circle, r, 2 r Square, (side), 4 × side Rectangle, length × breadth, 2 (length + breadth).Trapezoid area formula: A = (a + b) × h / 2.Circle sector area formula: A = r² × angle / 2.

formulas for basic shapes

Area of Base: r2 Area of Side: rs Total Surface Area r2 + rs To find the volume of a sphere, you only need the radius and the height. Perimeter Perimeter Perimeter is the distance around a two-dimensional shape. For the sake of clarity, we'll list the equations only - their images, explanations and derivations may be found in the separate paragraphs below (and also in tools dedicated to each specific shape).Īre you ready? Here are the most important and useful area formulas for sixteen geometric shapes: s (r2 + h2) With that, you can then find the total surface area, which is the sum of the area of the base and area of the side.

formulas for basic shapes

Well, of course, it depends on the shape! Below you'll find formulas for all sixteen shapes featured in our area calculator.

Formulas for basic shapes